
CashTokens enable token primitives for BCH. A token is an asset – distinct from the Bitcoin Cash currency – that can be created and transferred on the Bitcoin Cash network. CashTokens come in two flavours:

  1. Non-Fungible tokens (NFTs) are a token type in which individual units

    cannot be merged or divided – each NFT contains a commitment, a short byte string attested to by the issuer of the NFT.

  2. Fungible tokens are a token type in which individual units are

    undifferentiated – groups of fungible tokens can be freely divided and merged without tracking the identity of individual tokens (much like the Bitcoin Cash currency).

Moreover, an NFT token can have 3 capabilities:
  1. Minting tokens (NFTs with the “minting” capability) allow the spending

    transaction to create any number of new NFTs of the same category, each with any commitment and (optionally) the minting or mutable capability.

  2. Mutable tokens (NFTs with the “mutable” capability) allow the spending

    transaction to create one NFT of the same category, with any commitment and (optionally) the mutable capability.

  3. Immutable tokens (NFTs with “none” capability) cannot have their

    commitment modified when spent.

The cashtokens are attached to BCH Unspents. A single unspent can have tokens of a single category, which can include one of or both of fungible tokens and an NFT.

CashToken genesis

To create cashtokens, an unspent is required with output index 0 that acts as a genesis unspent. This genesis unspent can be spent to create the cashtoken required. This cashtoken then gets the transaction id of the genesis output as its category.


Two new token categories are created by transaction c3a601... The first category ( b201a0...) is created by spending the 0th output of transaction b201a0...; for this category, a supply of 150 fungible tokens are created across two outputs (100 and 50). The second category ( a1efcd...) is created by spending the 0th output of transaction a1efcd...; for this category, a supply of 100 fungible tokens are created across two outputs (20 and 80), and two NFTs are created (each with a commitment of 0x010203).

Using the get_unspents() you can query the unspent set belonging to your address:

>>> key = Key(...)
>>> key.get_unspents()
[Unspent(amount=900000, confirmations=1, script='76a914dd9c917762a9f585a40e5c3a54238684d8cc741e88ac', txid='afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802', txindex=0)]

In the above example, the unspent output has an output index 0, which implies it can be a cashtoken genesis unspent. The cashtoken generated with this unspent will have a category of afe979.... To generate a cashtoken with an NFT of “minting” capability, and 10000 fungible tokens we can use an extended output format which is a tuple of size 7 in the form (destination, amount, currency, category_id, nft_capability, nft_commitment, token_amount). This can be sent as:

>>> key.send([
...     (
...         "bitcoincash:zrweeythv25ltpdypewr54prs6zd3nr5rcjhrnhy2v",  # destination
...         1000,  # amount
...         "satoshi",  # currency
...         "afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802",  # category
...         "minting",  # NFT capability
...         None,  # NFT commitment, None
...         10000  # fungible token amount
...     )
... ])
>>> key.get_balance()  # to fetch present balance from the network
>>> key.cashtoken_balance
{'afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802': {'token_amount': 10000, 'nft': [{'capability': 'minting'}]}}

CashToken spending

Much like generating new cashtokens, cashtokens can be spent as well. For example, to send 6000 fungible tokens of category afe979... you can use:

>>> key.send([
...     (
...         "bitcoincash:zrweeythv25ltpdypewr54prs6zd3nr5rcjhrnhy2v",
...         1000,
...         "satoshi",
...         "afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802",
...         None,
...         None,
...         6000
...     )
... ])

BitCash automatically handles unspents to form the desired transaction outputs with the leftover BCH and cashtokens management.

We can further use the “minting” capability of NFT to mint a cashtoken of “mutable” capability with a commitment of b"bitcash" as:

>>> key.send(
...     [
...     (
...         "bitcoincash:zrweeythv25ltpdypewr54prs6zd3nr5rcjhrnhy2v",
...         1000,
...         "satoshi",
...         "afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802",
...         "mutable",
...         b"bitcash",
...         None
...     )
... ])
>>> key.get_balance()
>>> key.cashtoken_balance
{'afe979e6b52e37d29f6c4d7edd922bddb91b5e4d55ebfa8cd59a0f90bc03b802': {'nft': [{'capability': 'mutable', 'commitment': b'bitcash'}, {'capability': 'minting'}], 'token_amount': 10000}}

CashToken spending order

When spending unspents, BitCash follows a certain order:

  1. When choosing unspents to add BCH to fulfill BCH in outputs, BitCash

    prioritises adding unspents with no cashtokens. It then chooses unspents with just fungible tokens, followed by unspents with NFT. The unspents with “none” capability are chosen first, then followed by “mutable” capability, and finally “minting” capability.

  2. When an NFT with “none” capability is to be sent, then a “none” capability

    NFT with the same commitment is chosen. If none are found, then an NFT with “mutable” capability is chosen, whose commitment is mutated to match the commitment of the NFT and is made into the NFT with “none” capability. If none are found, then an NFT with “minting” capability is added to the transaction, to mint the required NFT. The “minting” capability NFT is not consumed and is also present in a leftover output.

  3. When an NFT with “mutable” capability is to be sent, then a “mutable”

    capability NFT is chosen, whose commitment is mutated to match the commitment of the “mutable” capability NFT sent. If none are found, then an NFT with “minting” capability is added to the transaction, to mint the required NFT. The “minting” capability NFT is not consumed and is also present in a leftover output.

  4. When an NFT with “minting” capability is to be sent, then a “minting”

    capability NFT is chosen. The “minting” capability NFT is not consumed and is also present in a leftover output.


In all the cases where an NFT is to be sent, the NFT to be spent has to be of the same category.

If the default behaviour is not suitable, then a curated unspent set can be specified, which only includes cashtokens which need to be used.

CashToken signalling CashAddr

To signal cashtoken support by wallets, new CashAddr versions are introduced. BitCash wallet can signal cashtoken support by sharing cashtoken address using cashtoken_address(), and BitCash does not allow spending cashtokens to non-cashtoken-signalling addresses:

>>> key.cashtoken_address